Get details about your no-cost access to national advanced computing resources during virtual office hours for the AI Institutes! Registration is now open for these sessions: March 14, noonContinue reading "National Advanced Computing Resources Office Hours"
Featuring Principal Investigators (PIs) Maria Gorlatova and Bhuvana Krishnaswamy Find out about their career journeys and challenges and hear the advice they would give young students and professionals. Come prepared with questionsContinue reading "Athena Lunch Series Panel: Coffee Chat with a PI"
Why Attend? Find out how to get a feature article placed in AIVO News or on the AIVO website Get advice on your messaging for feature articles and press releasesContinue reading "AIVO Communications Office Hours"
Get details about your no-cost access to national advanced computing resources during virtual office hours for the AI Institutes! Register now. Drop in to the office hours to discoverContinue reading "National Advanced Computing Resources Office Hours"
Advance your AI skills and collaboration in higher education! The “AI Unlocked: Empowering Higher Education through Research and Discovery” workshop provides access to cutting-edge computational resources and expertise. Hosted byContinue reading "AI Unlocked: Empowering Higher Education through Research and Discovery Workshop"
Title: Harnessing Responsible AI for Science Discovery, Innovation, and Impact Speaker: Manish Parashar, University of Utah When: April 10, 2025 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM EST Location: DL 260 DreeseContinue reading "ICICLE AI Institute & OSU CSE Distinguished Seminar Series"
The Molecule Maker Lab Institute (MMLI) invites you to their upcoming research symposium, "AI Scientists? What Would It Take?" This hybrid event will bring together researchers, industry leaders, and students toContinue reading "MMLI Annual Symposium: “AI Scientists? What Would It Take?”"
Why Attend? Find out how to get a feature article placed in AIVO News or on the AIVO website Get advice on your messaging for feature articles and press releasesContinue reading "AIVO Communications Office Hours"