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Krithika Manohar

AI Institute:
Dynamics AI

University of Washington

Department of Mechanical Engineering


AI Institute Title:
Co-PI of Grant

University/Company Title:
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Adjunct Professor, Applied Mathematics

Research Expertise: 
Developing Algorithms For Data-Driven Prediction And Control Of Complex Dynamical Systems. Her Work Uses Dimensionality Reduction Techniques Rooted In Operator Theory And Manifold Learning To Discover Physically Meaningful Features From Data, And Optimize Sensors And Actuators For Downstream Decision-Making (Sparse Sensing). Target Applications Of Sparse Sensing Optimization Include Fluid Flow Reconstruction, Control, Image Recovery, And Aircraft Manufacturing. She Is Also Interested In Sparse Sensing And Forecasting In The Context Of Partially Observed Multiscale Systems, Which Commonly Occur In Fluid Dynamics, Materials Science, And Biology.

AI Institute Project Involvement:
Sensing & Optimization; DEI