The AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems (AIFS) aims to meet growing demands in our food supply by increasing efficiencies using AI and bioinformatics spanning the entire system — from growing crops through consumption. AIFS tackles three key challenges in its implementation by integrating digital and biological technologies to provide solutions that address the complexity and diversity of food systems, developing models and obtaining data sets for AI that are publicly available, and improving the safety, efficiency, and accuracy of food system tasks that requires human involvement and decision-making.

Location: Davis, CA

Press Contact: Kristin Singhasemanon

Contact: AIFS Email | (530) 754-3075


AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems (AIFS) is supported by the United States Department of Agriculture – National Institute of Food and Agriculture and award #2020-67021-32855 in collaboration with the National Science Foundation.

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Primary Awardee:

  • University of California Davis


  • University of California Berkeley
  • Cornell University
  • University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)
  • USDA ARS (Agricultural Research Service)
  • University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources
AIFS Awardee and Subawardees Map
Awardee & Subawardees Map