Dynamics AI Seminars
Dynamics AI Seminar Series 2024-2025 See dynamicsai.org for details, including mailing list signup and recordings!
Dynamics AI Seminar Series 2024-2025 See dynamicsai.org for details, including mailing list signup and recordings!
The AI Institute for Societal Decision Making (AI-SDM) is excited to host several AI scientists and directors from MITRE at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) on Friday, January 31, 2025! Seminar Title: AI Assurance for Public Good Seminar Speakers from MITRE: Ozgur Eris, Managing Director of the AI and Autonomy Innovation Center Christina Liaghati, Manager of the TrustworthyContinue reading "AI-SDM Seminar Series: AI Assurance for Public Good"
Join the next AI Institute for Societal Decision Making (AI-SDM) seminar on Friday, February 14, 2025! Effective Human-AI Interactions in an Evolving AI Landscape Abstract: The evolving AI landscape means that models have the potential to support human decision-makers and users in a wide range of fields and applications. And yet, human-AI interactions in manyContinue reading "AI-SDM Seminar Series: Effective Human-AI Interactions in an Evolving AI Landscape"
Title: The Development, Hemispheric Organization, and Plasticity of High-Level Vision Abstract:Â Adults recognize complex visual inputs, such as faces and words, with remarkable speed, accuracy and ease, but a full understanding of these abilities is still lacking. Much prior research has favoured a binary separation of faces and words, with the right hemisphere specialized forContinue reading "ARNI Distinguished Seminar Series: Marlene Berhmann"