Dynamics AI Seminars

University of Washington

Dynamics AI Seminar Series 2024-2025 See dynamicsai.org for details, including mailing list signup and recordings!

AIVO Communications Office Hours

Zoom webinar

Why Attend? Find out how to get a feature article placed in AIVO News or on the AIVO website Get advice on your messaging for feature articles and press releases Request a review of your draft communications Get help drafting a communications plan Request writing or editing support for your Institute’s communications Ask a communications-relatedContinue reading "AIVO Communications Office Hours"

USDA’s 101st Agricultural Outlook Forum

Crystal Gateway Marriott 1700 Richmond Highway, Arlington, VA, United States

Meeting Tomorrow's Challenges, Today Hybrid Event • February 27-28, 2025 • Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington VA The Agricultural Outlook Forum (AOF) is USDA’s largest and premier annual gathering. The breadth and timeliness of the AOF programs have consistently drawn a diverse group of participants, including producers, processors, policymakers, government officials, and non-governmental organizations. It routinelyContinue reading "USDA’s 101st Agricultural Outlook Forum"

ARNI Distinguished Seminar Series: Marlene Berhmann

Title: The Development, Hemispheric Organization, and Plasticity of High-Level Vision Abstract:  Adults recognize complex visual inputs, such as faces and words, with remarkable speed, accuracy and ease, but a full understanding of these abilities is still lacking. Much prior research has favoured a binary separation of faces and words, with the right hemisphere specialized forContinue reading "ARNI Distinguished Seminar Series: Marlene Berhmann"


Center for Digital Agriculture Conference 2025: Precision Livestock Management

iHotel and Illinois Conference Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 1900 S 1st St, Champaign, IL, United States

The Center for Digital Agriculture (CDA) is hosting their annual conference on March 5, 2025, at the iHotel and Illinois Conference Center at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Join the CDA for an insightful exploration of the current landscape and future potential of precision livestock management technologies. This conference will bring together a diverse groupContinue reading "Center for Digital Agriculture Conference 2025: Precision Livestock Management"

AIVO Communications Office Hours

Zoom webinar

Why Attend? Find out how to get a feature article placed in AIVO News or on the AIVO website Get advice on your messaging for feature articles and press releases Request a review of your draft communications Get help drafting a communications plan Request writing or editing support for your Institute’s communications Ask a communications-relatedContinue reading "AIVO Communications Office Hours"

National Advanced Computing Resources Office Hours

Zoom webinar

Get details about your no-cost access to national advanced computing resources during virtual office hours for the AI Institutes! Register now.   Drop in to the office hours to discover how you can leverage cyberinfrastructure (CI) resources (CPU, GPU, Cloud computing cycles) made available to U.S.-based researchers at no cost. These sessions will feature offerings from theContinue reading "National Advanced Computing Resources Office Hours"

AI Unlocked: Empowering Higher Education through Research and Discovery Workshop

The Westin Denver Downtown 1672 Lawrence St, Denver, United States

Advance your AI skills and collaboration in higher education! The “AI Unlocked: Empowering Higher Education through Research and Discovery” workshop provides access to cutting-edge computational resources and expertise. Hosted by the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot User Experience Working Group, the workshop offers an introduction to AI fundamentals, hands-on experience with pre-configured AIContinue reading "AI Unlocked: Empowering Higher Education through Research and Discovery Workshop"